***PLEASE NOTE: The Auction will be Closed on December 24, 2024
and will reopen on December 31, 2024.**
Hay Auction will start at 10:00
Poultry Sale will start at 10:30
Livestock Auction will start at 2:00 and run straight though with no intermissions
Wanda's Café is open for Dine-in and Take-Out
Don't forget we have Brown and White Eggs for sale in the office Monday through Thursday.
Livestock Cooperative Auction Market of North Jersey Inc.
Saturday, May 11 at 12:00 PM
Check-In from 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
**There will be NO June Feeder Sale**
**There will be NO Consignment Sale**
Please click on the LINKS in this section to access forms relevant to our business. These forms can be printed out directly from our website
This auction sells; lambs, sheep, goats, calves, beef cattle, pigs, rabbits, and all types of heavy fowl. Auctions are held every Tuesday with the first sale beginning at 10:00 am and ending at the last sale 5:30 pm
We also auction; hay, straw, grain, firewood. We also sell eggs every week.
Farm Fresh Eggs available for purchase by the case( 30 doz.) or by the flat (2&1/2 doz.) in the main office Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. Also available some Monday's and Friday's but please call office first (908)-852-0444
At this livestock auction, you'll get to see part of the food chain that most of us never check out. This is the place where farmers bring their cows, sheep, goats, pigs, rabbits, chickens, turkeys, and pigeons to sell, and butchers and wholesalers come to buy. If you're in this area buying locally raised meat, there's a good chance the animal you ate passed through this market.